ASD-INtoJOB is inspired by the need to dignify autistic people (YIWASD) standard of living, and to dismantle the barriers that prevent them from having equal opportunities in the employment sector. In particular, this project’s main aim is to ensure that YIWASD are allowed to enjoy the Principle 17 of the European Pillar of Social Rights, meaning that they can have access to services enabling them to participate in society and work, as well as being integrated into a workplace that caters to their specific requirements and job expectations. In fact, besides facing a greater risk of poverty or social exclusion, individuals with disabilities also deal with a lower rate of employment (50.8 %) compared to individuals without disabilities (75 %) (Eurostat).

It is certainly an important discussion to have, as it is relevant to ensure that YIWASD are equipped with the same means as their peers, because it allows integration in society and independence over this part of their life, thus increasing their participation and involvement in the civil community. In order to achieve what above, developing strategies to unlock the potential and talents of persons with ASD, that will be for the benefit of the individuals, the economy and for the cohesion of the society as a whole is the key point. 

In this context, the project seeks to create employment opportunities that are inclusive and suitable for prospective employees, specifically autistic people (YIWASD). This will involve enhancing and customizing the preparation and communication process for the 4 main stages of the employment cycle: recruitment, selection, onboarding, and job retention to accommodate the unique characteristics, needs, and expectations of this group.

Youth workers, employers, HR managers, parents and family-members will be the backbone in support of the implementation of activities around the development of inclusive and smart tools and materials for streamlining YIWASD job placement.

ASD-INtoJOB’s specific objectives are to:

  • Enhance YIWASD’s key competences and basic skills to facilitate their integration into the labour market.
  • Increase quality, innovation and recognition of youth work on the subject. 
  • Develop an employability toolkit for Young Individuals with ASD in order to well prepare them to handle the employmentability process, and accompanying training materials for youth workers. 
  • Raise awareness on ASD and make the employment cycle (recruitment, selection, onboarding, and job retention) and work environment more ASD-friendly and inclusive. 

Erasmus+ program

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM) Bielefeld
Ravensberger Straße 10 G
33602 Bielefeld
